Author Archives: Doug

Happy Halloween From Vermont Hoyas!

I made this Halloween Hoya video now 12 years ago; I thought I would bring it back out of the vault. In it you can see the six foot cumingiana that I lit up with Halloween lights, and a H. pachyclada time lapse video. Anyhow, it was a blast from the past, and fun to take a look at for the first time in a long time.

I Love Dischidia ruscifolia

I used to keep a number of different Dischidia as they were such close relatives of the Hoya. Now I only keep one, and it is one that I’ve kept for a very long time. It makes the easiest to grow houseplant that I have ever kept. It is also known as the Million Hearts Plant, and makes a stunning hanging basket. Here is a photo from yesterday showing all of the little flowers, which are barely visible.

Hoya hamiltoniorum Will Flower In Regular House!

Hoya hamiltoniorum is another one of those Hoyas that I just thought would never do well in ambient household conditions. Well, here we are and the plant has not only done well, but it is now covered with buds and will soon flower. We now also know for sure that this is another Hoya that only wants to flower when the day length is decreasing.

Final Day With Hoya surisana

I’ve only been growing Hoya surisana now for about 4 or 5 months so I don’t have that much to say about its likes and dislikes. I don’t believe at this point that it is a Hoya that I can recommend to beginners and casual collectors, but for serious collectors it is probably a must have. Its very unusual flowers with extra long calyx lobes, makes it worth seeking out. I will report back when I have more experience with its cultivation and subsequent flowerings.