Unlike the regular Hoya nummularioides, the Christine Burton clone of this plant does not flower as often, or as profusely as the regular nummularioides. I got this plant as a very tiny bonus plant, which was included in an eBay purchase of H. albiflora from her. The albiflora did not live very long for me, but I kept this little nummularioides alive and it has been with me now for over 10 years. The leaves are much thicker and more succulent than the normal, readily, available nummularioides.
I figured that it would never flower for me again, but the other night I walked into my office, and there was a very sweet smell emanating from somewhere. I looked through the plants and sure enough I found this single peduncle of flowers. I recently sold a lot of this plant off in the hopes that it will remain out there, Christine Burton has been gone for awhile now, but this plant reminds me of her every time I see it.