Insanity is what I would have to call it. The prices that some of these plants are going for online over the past few weeks are crazy. Someone just sent me a link to an eBay auction of a Hoya carnosa Gray Ghost that is up to $567.00, are these bidders crazy? I would say unequivocally yes they are. There is no Hoya that is worth that much money, let alone a plant that is completely man made, that has had its DNA altered by artificial means, to come up with a plant that I don’t even find very attractive. Talk about buyers remorse, if I had bought that plant for that kind of money I could not live with myself.
I know people want these rare plants, but show a little restraint please. I’m also seeing other Hoyas listed for obscene amounts of money, and to think that I felt guilty for listing a really nice, blooming size, Hoya griffithii recently for $75 shipped. Sellers are asking $200 for variegated Hoya kerrii, I mean what’s with that?? Anyhow I hope that I have not offended anyone, but I just had to get this off my chest.