A few months ago, I received an email from a young woman on the west coast asking about a large variegated Hoya kerrii that was in one of my YouTube videos. I told her that I no longer had any use for the plant as it had outgrown me, and it no longer looked its best. She desperately wanted to buy it, but it didn’t take long to realize that the shipping for a plant of that size (it weighed almost 40 pounds!) was prohibitive.
I thought that was the end of it, but a couple of weeks later she contacted me again, and asked me if I would be willing to start her a beginner’s Hoya collection. She also made it extra appealing in that she left the choice of plants totally up to me. She offered me an amount of money that I felt that I could work with, and I took cuttings to begin rooting for her. Below is a photo that Amy sent me after receiving her first batch of plants. I asked if she minded me sharing the photo on my blog, and she graciously agreed.