Hoya sp. Sarawak ‘Pink’ is one of a number of Hoyas that have been lumped together into Hoya latifolia. It is easy to see why; the plants all have the same growth habits and large leaves. One of those growth habits is the plants sprout stiff peduncles out all over the plant. No matter how many times they are cut off, more will always sprout.
Unlike my Hoya polystachya, which has also been moved under the latifolia umbrella, Hoya sp. Sarawak ‘Pink’ has been a far more difficult Hoya for me to cultivate. I received a cutting of the plant in the summer of 2020 from a local collector, who I now believe has left the hobby. For some reason I had a very difficult time getting this plant to take off and grow well. I had to start it over a number of times and came very close to discarding it. I had issues with root rot, leaves that would become disfigured, and pest issues. I finally got it to begin to pick up and do much better in the summer of 2023.
I don’t really have that much to say about this species other than it is nice to have a pink flowered Hoya latifolia, and I wish it was as vigorous as Hoya polystachya. If you can get it to grow well for you, it is capable of becoming a striking specimen. It might be worth checking out if you are in the market for a large leaved Hoya that offers a bit of a challenge.