I received Hoya sp. Philippines Long Leaves EPC-869 from Jimmy Myers in the summer of 2020 and flowered it in about one year. The cutting rooted quite easily in water, and I transferred it to a 2 inch pot and then moved up to 3 inch. I cannot say that it was a easy, quick grower for me, but it never lost its active growing tip. I was excited to see this one flower as the leaves were quite different looking.
Despite not being a strong grower, and I believe that to be a reflection on my growing conditions and not on the plant, I eventually moved it up to a five inch terracotta pot. It sat there and did nothing most of the winter and finally put on a peduncle and began budding up. I was pretty shocked when the flowers opened and they were the typical Hoya finlaysonii complex flowers. I would not have guessed that this plant fell into that category as the leaves had none of the traditional venation or markings of that complex. The flowers had no scent and began closing in less than 48 hours.
I have to say that the new leaves that emerge from this species are very dark and much more handsome than they are after they fade to a flat, light, green color. I wish that I had a photo of them, but if I keep the plant around long enough hopefully I will be rewarded with more leaves to photograph.