Hoya cumingiana is one of my top 10 must have Hoyas for the area that I live in. This is an easy care, no special demand fantastic houseplant. It will start blooming for you at less than two-years of age, and the blooms smell of cinnamon! I feel strongly that this Hoya should be grown on a trellis to look its best, and it also needs to be trained and tied because it is a non-twining, scrambler. The flowers do drip a fair amount of nectar, but a quick trip to the shower will clean it right up again. My plant is now over four feet high, and has been decorated for Christmas. I just love this Hoya!! Also, see entry for Hoya cumingiana (large leaf). **New** A Visit with Hoya cumingiana video tour – See link below.
Here is some pretty cool information on Hugh Cuming who found the plant on the Island of Mindoro in the Philippines in 1841. Born in England, he spent a number of years in Chile, where he became a successful businessman. He used his money to buy as ship that was specifically built for collecting specimens, and travelled extensively on collecting trips amassing many thousands of specimens. His ship was the first to transport live orchids back to England. This information was kindly provided by my friend Mary Carroll from California.