Hoya cf. palawanica IML 1605 according to the late David Liddle is endemic to the Philippines and is similar to H. bordenii but has narrower corona lobes.
I received Hoya cf. Palawanica IML 1605 as a one node, one leaf cutting in July of 2021 and it put on a peduncle and flowered in Late September. It was rooted in coconut husk and has yet to put on any new growth as of this writing other than a peduncle, which budded up and produced 4 flowers. Most Hoyas as I have found root exceptionally well in moist coconut husk, but what happens after that? This is the question that I keep working on. You have to be really careful with coconut husk as much of it is very salty as some of it sits in seawater for months before it is processed. It is always safer to soak and rinse many times before using it. I have many plants currently rooted in it, but while the roots can be amazing, I seem to have a lot of trouble to get any new growth above the soil line. At this point I can’t really recommend this medium as it is also very easy to rot the roots with it.
I will hopefully be able to bring this plant back here one day if I can ever get it to grow more than a single leaf!
Update February 2022: The plant has started growing a little larger now and has just flowered for the second time and is much more impressive. See the bottom two photos for just how nice this one looks. It is one of those species that flowers early and often!