In 2010, Joni Kahn from SRQ Hoyas facilitated an order of Hoyas from George Mendoza of Forest Treasures in the Philippines. Among the offerings were three Hoyas newly discovered: Hoya pubicalyx ‘Black Dragon’, Hoya pubicalyx ‘White Dragon’ and Hoya pubicalyx ‘Pink Dragon’. They were pricey at around $35 each for a small rooted cutting. I chose the black and white dragons, and did not choose the pink because of the cost. After flowering Hoya pubicalyx ‘Black Dragon’, I was rewarded with buds several months later on the ‘White Dragon’. Finally it flowered late in the summer of 2012 in the greenhouse. Unfortunately George sent the wrong plant and I received the ‘Pink Dragon’.
I was not overly disappointed that I had the Pink Dragon rather than the White, because the flowers were so breathtaking and did not want to try to order another until this mix up got straightened out. In time, Dale Kloppenburg, said that Hoya pubicalyx ‘White Dragon’ was not a pubicalyx at all and published it as Hoya celata in 2012.
I finally got around to ordering a plant from Aleagarden in Thailand in the summer of 2015. I planted it in a very chunky orchid mix where it languished for some time and grew very little over the next two years. Finally in the summer of 2017 after repotting Hoya celata and adding some moisture retaining peat to the mix, the plant started to grow well. After bringing it inside in the fall, and putting it under lights the plant put on a peduncle, but sadly fell off. Two months later it grew another and this one stayed and budded up and flowered soon after.
Hoya celata was discovered by George Mendoza on Luzon Island Mauban, province of Quezon, Philippines. It is an easy grower that most enthusiasts should be able to flower in 2-3 years. The flowers have a lovely scent and last around a week. Hoya celata has my highest recommendation!
- From Left To Right: Hoya macgillivrayi, Hoya oblongacutifolia, Hoya celata, and Hoya patella