Hoya carmelae was published in 2010 and discovered by Ulysses Ferreras in Luzon, Province of Isabela, Municipality of Maconacon, Brgy. Reina Mercedes, Mt. Pinalinaw, 1100 m. I can find little else on this Hoya other than Dale Kloppenburg helped publish the paper. If it was true that the plant was found at 1100 meters, this Hoya must be a relatively cool grower as temperatures at that elevation are much cooler than at sea level.
I heard about Hoya carmelae for the first time around 2013 from a Hoya growing buddy of mine from Michigan named Patrick Vance. After seeing a photo of the plant and flower, I knew that I had to have one and promptly ordered one from Thailand. That first cutting rooted, but did not last long; I think I killed it inside of 6 months. The following year I ordered another one, and Patrick was kind enough to send me one of his cuttings as well.
The second set of cuttings that I received in 2014 became the plants that I am still working with today. I had so many stops and starts with these over the years that I’ve lost count with how many times I have had to start them over. I would usually lose the roots from rot; in late summer of 2021, I had a very large plant growing in leca using semi, or passive hydro when the roots went. I chopped that plant up and ended up with 8 plants all growing in tree fern in 3 oz clear cups.
In all the years of trying to grow this Hoya I never so much as got one peduncle to form let alone try to bud up. The standstill all changed for me this year when I moved 2 of my 8 plants from a 14 hour day length to a 12 hour day length by shifting them to another grow tent where my timer was set for the lights to be on for less time. Almost immediately peduncles began to form; I was completely shocked as I had about given up. Along with the peduncles buds began to form! I watched these buds grow for what seemed like weeks; some buds seem to grow quickly, but the buds of Hoya carmelae are not among those. It seemed to take forever but finally early one morning in May of 2022 they burst forth like little jewels. They reminded me of sparkling rubies!
I thought that my discovery of Hoya carmelae flowering quickly when subjected to a shorter day length was a good one, but my friend Julie Kennedy from the UK hung hers in a window in her house and it bloomed continually. All I know is that I fooled around with this plant for almost 10 years without so much as a peduncle when there were too many hours of day light. All I can say is that if you have struggled with trying to bloom this plant I encourage you to try my little trick. Hoya carmelae takes up very little room and has outstanding foliage when subjected to high light. If you can get it to bloom, the flowers are delightful. I give this sweet little Hoya my highest recommendation!