I received a cutting of Hoya sp. aff. thomsonii from Jimmy Myers, the great North Carolina grower, in the summer of 2018. As with most thomsonii, I struggled with it, but finally this year (2022) was able to flower it, and it was worth the wait. The biggest difference between this plant and the regular H. thomsonii is that the pubescence on this plant is off the chart. It has long hairs all over the leaves.
I have had to start this plant over a number of times, because of root rot and other maladies. H. thomsonii is a plant that does best in natural light where it can respond to changes in day length. Finally this year I tricked it by moving it from a grow tent with 15 hour days to one that had 12 hour days, and it immediately started to bud up. This go around I am growing it in coconut husk which seems to give it the right amount of moisture and air at the root zone. I was thrilled when I was able to get my first flowers on this plant after struggling with it for some time. The blooms of this Hoya, like the regular thomsonii, are highly perfumed, and are a joy for as long as they last, which in this case is about a week.
Hoya sp. aff. thomsonii is an incredible plant, and one which I wish responded better to my growing conditions. The leaves with their high degree of pubescence add year round interest. When the plant normally flowers in October, it becomes a thing of beauty that delights all of the senses with its gorgeous blooms and beautiful fragrance. I give this plant my highest recommendation!