Hoya Rachel is a “sister” cross with Hoya Rebecca and comes from the union of Hoya lacunosa ‘Langkawi Island’ and Hoya obscura. Here is the information that was sent to me by Antone Jones, the creator of this cross, in reference to Rebecca, : This cross happened at my old nursery, Spring Valley Tropicals back in 2007 or 2008 (I can verify once I get home). The actual cross is Hoya lacunosa Langkawi Island (a smaller variety) x obscura. This one I did not do by hand (unlike Patricia and Naughty Noel) but I did witness and photo capture the moth/butterfly who pollinated it in action. The pod formed on the umbel not long after. Rebecca has a sister cultivar named, Rachel. They are from the same pod but the seedlings looked different to me and so I gave them each a separate name and tossed the rest of the seedlings away.
Hoya Rachel was kindly given to me in a trade by an collector named Naomi from right here in Vermont. I rooted it in a clear 3 oz cup using coconut husk in June of 2021. It rooted quickly and immediately started putting on growth. The plant has stayed in its original tiny clear pot and budded up and flowered in February of 2022. It is watered about twice a week because of the small pot size and free draining media. I find that the leaves on Rachel are longer and more narrow than on its sister Rebecca, other than that they are pretty similar and identical as far as their care. This is a plant that can do just fine living in ambient conditions in the regular house hanging in a window. I have grown this plant two ways trellised and as a hanging basket. It works far better as a basket!
Hoya Rachel is a sweet little Hoya that make a fine companion for Hoya Rebecca, or just to grow on its own. It is an easy grower that would work well in any houseplant collection!