I put almost after Hoya ‘Paula’ as this is not officially Hoya ‘Paula’ but rather a sister seedling. Here is the reason behind the plant I received as Hoya GN-01 not officially being able to be called Hoya ‘Paula’:
This seedling was a suspected cross between H. paulshirleyi (mother) and H. albida (father). It was a natural cross that happened at Gardino Nursery in Florida, and the owners of the nursery made a mistake; they grew, sold, or gave away many plants grown from this seedpod and labeled all of them Hoya GN-01. After sending out all of these seedlings from the Hoya paulshirleyi seedling cross, the owner of Gardino Nursery decided that they wanted to have a named cultivar and chose one of these seedlings and named it Paula after their daughter. Being new to the cultivar game, they did not understand the proper procedure for creating a name cultivar.
Ordinarily when creating a cultivar, the proper procedure is to document what you did to create the hybrid. The seedlings should be grown out and the the one that shows the greatest vigor and desirable traits is kept, and all of the other seedlings are culled. The plant that is chosen is then named and generally registered with the proper international society. The plant that is registered and named then becomes the plant which is propagated from cuttings and only that plant can be considered the named cultivar. So my plant that came from the same seedpod as Hoya ‘Paula’ cannot be officially called by that name and shall be known henceforth as Hoya paulshirleyi Seedling.
Regardless of what this plant is officially called it is a nice little Hoya that seems to be much more vigorous than Hoya paulshirleyi. I grew my plant in regular coconut husk chunks in a grow tent and it flowers almost continually.