Hoya Mistie was given to me as a small rooted cutting in May of 2022 by Mary Hammond. I want to thank her for thinking of me and letting me have a crack at growing this plant out and trying to flower it.
Here is all I know about Hoya Mistie from the woman who sent me the plant:
Hello Doug.. I received a cutting from AH Hoya that appears to be a new Hoya… Hoya Mistie. I searched the Hoya pages I’m on and can’t see that anyone has yet sold it.
I did some research and contacted the “breeder” in Poland and found out it’s a seedling from erythrina (mother plant). X father unknown. Here’s the info I have from the grower.. his description and picture of the flower.
I have several cuttings rooting and would like to send you one if you are interested. I’d love to follow your journey with this Hoya.Take care, Mary Hammond
Usually I have quite a few stops and starts with a Hoya, but Hoya Mistie always grew well with no stops. The plant has always been a little chlorotic looking though, and I am unsure why. Perhaps it is the coconut husk medium that I am growing it out in, but that is the only drawback that I have found with the plant. If I can figure out why the leaves are not dark green, I will report back. It developed a peduncle in early August of 2022. The buds progressed nicely and the blooms opened in late September. The flowers were highly perfumed, but sadly only last about 3 days. Also, they are heavy nectar drippers.
Hoya Mistie was a fun Hoya to grow out. It flowers at less than six months of age, and the flowers have a delightful fragrance. The only drawback to the plant is that I have not been able to figure out what causes the chlorotic leaves. I think that this is some kind of issue with my growing conditions so I won’t hold it against the plant. If you can find this Hoya, I recommend that you give it a try!