Hoya Annakey is a Mike Bernardo Hybrid that crosses Hoya nicholsoniae and Hoya erythrina. It got its name from longtime, Hawaiian, Hoya grower, Carol Noel. “She named it after her ‘heart mother’ – a Danish woman she met in New Zealand who dressed really well and played a mean game of Scrabble. The Hoya and namesake were both survivors.”
I received a Hoya Annakey cutting from a very knowledgeable grower in Michigan in September of 2022 and rooted it in coconut husk chips. This plant really presented no problems at all, and the most striking aspect of this hybrid is the leaves that turn a wonderful shade of red when exposed to good light. It bloomed after only 10 months from cutting in July of 2023. The lightly scented flowers opened during the daylight cycle unlike the majority of Hoyas opening their blooms in darkness.
I can’t say that Hoya Annakey is the most exciting Hoya Hybrid in the world, but if you are looking for something new to try, and one of these presents itself, it could be worth picking up. The foliage is quite pleasing and it is a quick bloomer.