Ever wonder what those abbreviations stand for in all of those accession numbers? Well, here is a list of many of them all in one spot.
- AH: Aloha Hoyas
- AP: Apodagis
- BP: Ban Phaeo Hoya Nursery in Thailand
- BSI: Bilogical Science Initiative
- CMF: Charles Marden Fitch
- DMC: David M. Cumming
- EG: Ed Gilding
- EK or EKW: Eva Karen Wiberg
- EWF: Estrellio Waterfall
- ET or ETS: Eric Tauecchio
- GN: Gardino Nursery
- GPS: Gerard Paul Shirley
- HSI: Hoya Society International
- IM: Imran La In
- IML: Iris Marie Liddle
- IPPS: Institute for Protection and Propagation of Succulent plants
- LT: Lao Trip
- MB: Mike Bernardo
- MM: Michael Miyoshira
- MT: May Tolentino
- NS: Nathalie Simonsson
- PES: Piyakaset Ek Suksathan
- PG: Patrick Gozon
- PNG: Papua New Guinea
- PT: Li Ping’Tao
- QLD: Queensland
- RHM: Ric Morier
- RP: Ratchaburi Panmai Hoya Nursery in Thailand
- SE: Sabine Ericsson
- SLM: Surisa Somadee
- SRQ: SRQ Hoyas, Joni Khan
- SV: Stenasa Varberg
- TG: Ted Green
- TN: Torill Nyhuus
- TOG: Tenom Orchid Center
- USDA: United States Department of Agriculture
- UT: Uthai Treesukhon
- VL: Viggo Larsen